Artist Residency – The Show Off Gallery, Whitstable 6th – 19th April
I have a last minute opportunity to take up residency in the Show Off Gallery in Whitstable and decided as well as treating the space as an opportunity to ‘show off’ my ceramics, paintings and glass I will work each day in the gallery.
Artists are often portrayed as mysterious beings and work in isolation, the hourly development of ideas and building of paintings and sculpture are not shown. The large glass front of the gallery directly onto Harbour Street gives a perfect viewing into the space. I decided to throw up a large canvas and get to work making an oil painting from scratch in the gallery. I also have clay to sculpt. Although this is a little daunting the creative process is so immersive that I barely notice I’m being watched.
From the first opening many young people responded enthusiastically to the display and came in to ask questions. I hope seeing me work demonstrates that being an Artist is a possibility, that it involves daily discipline, that something can be conjured from nothing. I am delighted that children have shared their sketchbooks with me and teenagers considered their GCSE’s in relation to the exhibition. People have asked me about my process and career trajectory. I’m happy to share.
I will be in the gallery until Friday the 19th. My door is open.
Further on the 4/5th May I will be opening my home and studio as I join local artists in an arts and makers trail.